An interesting thing happened the other day. Rachel and I decided to get off campus for a while and went to Dollywood on the season passes someone blessed us with. We had an absolutely wonderful time. While we were there I decided to put our phones in my backpack so we wouldn't lose them. Being that they were out of sight, out of mind we didn't really think much of them at all until the next day after we got home from church. Rachel asks, "Have you seen my phone?" So the first place I look is the backpack.....only to find my phone. Rachel's was nowhere to be found after looking high and low.
Now for those of you who know me best, these are the moments that panic sets in and I start getting mad at myself and blaming everything on myself, creating a tirade that escalates into raging fury that not only sucks the life out of me but saps my dear sweet wife of energy as well. Interestingly enough this is right where God starts His work in me, or maybe I am becoming more willing to allow God to work in me at this point. I start to get frustrated but I know that this will escalate and make things work. So going to God in prayer, I simply asked for His help to find the phone for Rachel (Being that I am the one who lost it). After some time in prayer and allowing myself to calm down I decided to go back to Dollywood and look for the phone. Rachel in the meantime called Dollywood security with lost and found, but they had not received anything at this point. Nevertheless I really felt God urging me to drive back there and look for it.
As we drove to Dollywood, Rachel took a nap while I played through my mind all the places we had been at the park. Then I started to have my doubts about the trip. I kept thinking that I must be crazy to try finding this phone. I mean what are the odds that we'll even find the phone? God just kept telling me to trust Him. Be content in every situation. That is when I started looking at the blessings God was pouring out on us. First, He blessed us with enough gas to get there and back again, second God blessed us with season passes that we could even go back and look for the phone without having to pay $50 per person to get in. Plus we had the entire afternoon that we could look for it. I started to find encouragement in these blessings (Ephesians 4:8-9b).
When we got to the Trolley Station, we hopped on the Trolley that shuttled us over to the Park. On our way there we discovered that we had left my phone in the car, but I just figured that I had locked the car and the phone would be fine where it was. Regardless there was no turning back now. We searched everywhere and talked to as many people as we could only to find no phone. So we headed back to the car. That is when I realized (or at least thought) I had left the car unlocked and found no phone in the front seat. We were robbed!!!! I thought. At this point I am fuming mad at myself for be so irresponsible that I not only lost Rachel's phone but now I had lost my phone as well. It took me quite a while to cool down. I kept asking God what He was trying to teach me through this besides "Be more responsible about your personal belongings." For as mad as I was I did my best not to lose my temper. It was a long drive home, but it was a good drive because I finally came to the point that I said, "You know what Lord, in the picture they are still just cell phones. My relationship with you is more important than cell phones. My relationship with Rachel is more important than cell phones. Blessed be the name of the Lord." That is when we started singing praises to God in the car on the way home.
When we got home I decided to try calling my cell phone only to discover a message on our voice mail. It was Dollywood security. They found both phones!!!! I broke down and wept, praising God. Not so much for helping us find the phones but more so for teaching me contentment in every kind of situation.
Needless to say we went back again to retrieve the phones. The lesson I learned here doesn't mean I all of a sudden have it all together, but God has taken me another step on my own journey. The cool thing that we can all take home with us is that God is still working on each of us. When we allow ourselves to be moldable and flexible God does some amazing things and teaches us some incredible lessons. It's really comforting to know that God only took a week to create the universe but He is continually working on us as we go.
So try this week to allow yourselves to be open to God to mold each of you into the creation He meant for you to be. Have a great week everyone.