Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Flood Gates Open
I went in to pay more money on our bill the other day and something strange happened. The person in charge of students accounts wouldn't accept my money. I ask her why and she informed me that the bill had been covered already. I didn't believe her. So I tried again, but she persisted that the bill was paid in full by an anonymous donor. I couldn't believe it. Completely shocked I walked away rather dumbfounded after I thanked her for the good news. God simply laid it on someone's heart to support a student going into the ministry. I give God all the glory for the blessings poured out on us this past week.
Secondly I want to give thanks to all of you who have continually supported us whether it is a monthly gift, one time gift or simply all your prayers. Each of you are a blessing to us and we love and appreciate everyone of you. God continually teaches the act of trusting in Him. Thank you for allowing God to use you to bless us in my schooling and the ministries that we both are a part of.
God opens doors for us everyday to encourage many of the young people here on campus. We also participate in the college ministry at our church. Presently God has given us a passion for ministering to college students. Even though they are on a Christian college campus, many of them wrestle with some really heavy junk. God opens many doors for us to lift up and encourage them.
Rachel and I are truly blessed to be here at Johnson. We are both learning a lot about who we are in Christ, how to love as Christ loves, and to take the focus off of ourselves and trust in Him moment by moment. Thank you all for being a part of this journey.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Spiritual Genogram – My Spiritual Family Tree
Contentment -- A lesson not easily learned (Rachel)
What does it mean to be content – truly content? This is something that I’ve struggled with consciously and subconsciously for a long time! However, it is a lesson that the Lord has been gently teaching me probably all of my life, but more specifically in the past five or so years. About 5 years ago, a godly pastor prayed for my heart to be content. At the time, I was a bit resentful thinking “he doesn’t even understand what I’m going through and the difficulties that I face right now.” However, this morning in the early hours (2:30 am to be specific), the Lord finally allowed the scales to come off of my eyes so that I could see that His desire is not for all the circumstances of my life to make me content, but that in the midst of difficult and sometimes very frustrating circumstances to find my contentment in Him. For a long time, I thought that in order to be content I had to stuff down how I was feeling about certain situations and pretend to enjoy and be happy and I struggled and struggled to try and do this. However, this morning He has helped me to begin to see that even though I don’t like certain situations and/or circumstances, He desires for me to be content in Him meaning that I trust Him and His hand in my circumstances. When my heart is not content, I am saying to Him that He is not trustworthy with the events of my life. When I am content with Him even in difficult times, I am saying “God, I trust You and what You are doing in and through me in this circumstance. You have been, are now, and always will be trustworthy with the circumstances of my life.” Thank You, Jesus, for loving me enough to allow circumstances in my life to be sometimes difficult so that I can learn to trust You in them. Thank You for being more concerned with my character and molding me into Your image than in my desire to be happy and have everything go my way. Lord, You are so good and merciful and patient and faithful! I cannot praise You enough! You are worthy of so much more, but I offer You my heart and my life. Please help me as I continue to learn this lesson of being content in You. I realize that this may be a lifelong struggle, but I know that You are always right beside me through my struggles. I love You, Jesus!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Peeling The Layers
Friday, September 11, 2009
Hollow Man
while an angelic voice calls me back w/ gentle rebuke
w/ hunger pains & watery tongue I run
to dance w/ my demon
giving another foothold for the enemy to climb
my angelic love struggles
pulling me up the hill
in a cart I fill w/ sin
it flows like a rushing mill
she labors in doubt
as my heart cries out
for a host to help from above
come invade my raid
release me from these glutton's shackles
tear down these prison walls
knock me out of the cart
help me to rejoin my union
never again to pull the cart alone
gluttoness demons lose their grip
slipping away to their hunger pit
Angels rejoice to the victory at hand
as Jesus still loves this Hollow Man
- Mark A. Behr
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Testing Our Spiritual Growth
The question is this: Are you more loving, more compassionate, more patient, more understanding, more caring, more giving, more forgiving than you were a year ago?.............. As I look at the things listed in this question my gut reaction is to cringe. The events that pop up in my mind are all the times that I have not been loving, compassionate, patient, understanding, caring, giving, or forgiving. I have really been chewing on this question for a while now, and as I look deeper into it, another thought arises. When I ask each of these questions I think about the people in my life that I would respond to in these ways and the people I know I definitely do not respond to in any of these ways. Then there are the people in my life to whom I respond to in both ways.
When I think about whether or not I am more loving than I was a year ago, I would say, "Ask my wife, that is where you will find the truth in that question." When it comes to other people I can definitely say that I have not lived that out in my daily life. Yet, deep in my heart that is where I want to be. I could even sheepishly say that I am trying to be more loving and all those other things. I just don't know how successful. There are people in my life whom I am without a doubt not understanding with, I am impatient with and the longer I am around them the less patient and compassionate I become.
I can do all the praying and reading of scripture I want. If I do not carry that with me the rest of the day then it was really done in vein. For instance this morning I became very impatient with a person for whom I truly do not like. The more he spoke the more indignant I became. It was kind of strange that it was less than hour before then I was praying that God would fill me with compassion and love and kindness and that I would live out His word today. It is amazing how quickly I can leave me prayers at home on the shelf waiting to be lifted back up again before I go to sleep.
So if these are the terms that I would lay out to measure my spiritual growth in the last year the most honest answer that I can give would be in some of these areas I feel like God has really taken over. In other areas I continue to struggle, and yet with some I continue to struggle well.
I think with asking myself these kinds of questions, God helps me to learn how to struggle well with them. It teaches me how to rely solely on God for strength that I think I might have. It is learning how to release that control into His hands. It is truly a freeing experience to get out of God's way and let Him do His work in me. I won't let you know when I have arrived, hopefully Christ will shine through and I will not be so worried about measuring my level of spirituality. I will be too in awe of what Christ is doing.
So today ask yourself these questions. Wrestle with them. Open yourself up enough to allow God to help you wrestle well and find your freedom in giving up the control. Have a great day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Queen of My Heart
only she has the key
she sees beyond my frayed edges
she loves me
despite my ragamuffin soul
the only sadness
are the moments apart
and the anticipation of her return
With a practical heart
& compassion that doesn't end
the queen of my heart
draws me in like a love sick pup
With her my inspiration cannot fade
led by the Spirit and molded by the Father
she taught me how to pray
drawing us ever closer
Focused on the love of Jesus
at the center of our bond
my pride evaporates
at the sound of her gentle tones
it is a love that does not end
rooted deep by the love of the Lamb
Mark A. Behr
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Love -- Forced or Freely Given
Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of salvation! Thank You, Father, for the freedom that we have to come to You and accept this gift! Thank You also for the many people in my life who prayed for me and desired for me to know You in a personal way! I love You!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
On The Edge of a Storm
I then started to think, how often is life like this moment? We can see the storms in view. Do we run from the storm or find shelter? In the literal sense most people do. Then there are just a few out there who instead of avoiding the storms in life, they trudge forward and press on trusting that God is going to help them grow even when the thunder is rolling and the lightning is striking all around them.
I think that is an important moment for spouses in their marriages too. Marriage has storms just like the rest of life. We all have the choice of how we are going to respond. We can avoid the storm by burying ourselves in our work or play, but too often that is when the thunder crashes between two people. We can play it safe and walk on egg shells just to make sure there are no conflicts within the relationship and still never deal with any struggles. Or you can pull together as a couple and be a team by facing the storms together.....not against each other.
Our greatest weapon, or in this case, umbrella in the storms is prayer. I firmly believe in the old cliche' "A Family that prays together, stays together." If Christ is not the center of the relationship, then how can we build our marriages on the rock. A relationship that is not covered in prayer and that does not have Christ at the center is usually walking on shifting sand. Even when all these things are in place, it is still easy to become self-centered if we are not careful. We as couples have that choice to make on how we are going to respond when we reach those moments in our marriages or any relationship for that matter. We need to be praying more each day for our marriages and our friend's marriages that Jesus will truly be the center and the glue that holds us together whenever storms come near.
I love Ephesians 5:22-33. Unfortunately it is a piece of Scripture that gets under read. Most of us men stop reading after verse 23 and go, "Yeah submit to me for I am the head over you." We neglect to keep reading where it says LOVE your wives as CHRIST LOVES the church. It says we need to give ourselves up....for our wives. It also says we need to cleanse our wives with God's Word.....So does that mean they have to be worthy of our love?!! I think NOT! We are called to encourage and love them as well as become the men that God has created us to be for our wives. We are called to adore our wives and to present them as a radiant church. So before we get into our little macho attitudes, I think we need to look deeper into what the Word says. Yes, wives submit to your husbands and give him the respect he needs, but husbands, we really need to step up and be worthy of that respect. There are too many of us who are willing to die for our wives, but are not willing to do the dishes or make a meal.
Doing the little things can help prevent storms, or if you can see the storm ahead, drive forward and face that storm with the love that you have professed on your wedding day. These are just some thoughts that I had after seeing all of the thunderstorms (real literal thunderstorms) here in Knoxville the past few weeks.
Sometimes it's the storms where God helps us grow the most.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Reflection of My Heart
In my struggle on Friday morning to focus on anything that is constructive I have really tried this morning to put my focus on my relationship with Christ by reading over the Proverb again and then going to my devotional book "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers who I now call "Uncle Oswald." The Proverb spoke on many things about being a sluggard and how it causes us more detriment than anything else. "Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry," v.15 This particular verse really echoes how I have spent my last few Fridays this summer. I really struggle not to be lazy. My heart desires to honor God but my actions prove a desire to only please myself.
Another issue that I often struggle with is trying to have control of my life. Instead of surrendering that control over to God. We often try to make our own plans for our life together Rachel and I, then we take our plan to God only to find out He usually has something far different or greater than we could have ever imagined. vs. 21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. We can try to make all the plans we want but we must first surrender anything we do over to God first before anything else. No matter what we do God's purpose is going to prevail in our lives. Does that mean we never make any plans? No of course not, but we must remain flexible to God's will in our lives whenever we do. It reminds me of an earlier Proverb that our friend John Newbury shared with me on more than one occasion. Proverbs 16:9 In his a heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. My desire as I plan my course today is to be open to the Lord determining my steps as I go about my day. May you be open to the Lord determining your steps as you plan your course today.
End Note: If you have a copy of Utmost for His Highest read today June 19. It has some really profound thoughts to chew on along with these other verses from Proverbs. Have a great day everyone..
Monday, June 15, 2009
Why Do We Fear?
This is a verse that was taught to me during Teaching Bible class at Pensacola Christian College by Mr. Bower, and it has had a profound impact on my life in so many ways! Fear has been a natural part of my life since I was a young child. I believe the enemy of our souls saw my first moment of fear and pushed his way in knowing that he could use fear to control my mind and heart. I clearly remember fearing that I had been the cause of my sister contracting spinal meningitis when I was only five years old because of not watching her close enough and letting her eat some dirt while we were outside. That is my first recollection of fear and anxiety and it's been preying on my mind ever since then! I used to lie in bed at night stiff as a board fearing intruders with every noise or I would fear our home starting on fire and so I would plan in my little head how I would be able to rescue all of my family members from the flames. My sister (the younger one of us) can tell you stories of a flying object directed at her bed during thunder storms. Now, it would be easy to say that these are just common childhood fears, but the truth of the matter is that God does not desire us to fear, but our enemy does! He does not discriminate on the basis of age or anything else. If he can reel you in on his line of fear, he will do it in a heartbeat. And if he can set up a pattern for fear in your life, the earlier he can get started the better! Anxiety is a natural reaction for me now as an adult, but God has been showing me and helping to free me from this bondage to fear and anxiety. My journey to freedom began about a year or so ago and it continues until this day and will probably continue until I meet my Savior face to face. It began after hearing a message about how anxiety is a sin where we in essence say to God that He is not big enough or sovereign enough to take care of the things that are in my life. (I do want to say that sometimes extreme anxiety is due to a chemical imbalance that needs to be treated by a medical doctor, but I am speaking of the "normal" anxiety that many face.) Many times, I have shouldered things that were never my burden to carry, but the Lord's! The Lord revealed this area of sin in my life and I began to confess all of the times that I remembered being anxious throughout my life at different points. I then began this journey that is a daily if not moment by moment battle for me. Some days when I am leaning on my own understanding and strength, the anxiety and fears overwhelm me, but more days are spent learning to trust the Lord in new and amazing ways! He is soooooooo trustworthy and so desires for us to trust Him! He says in Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." So my encouragement for the day is to trust His hand to help you today and to hold you up throughout the day. Also, remember that "God has NOT given us the spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND." (II Tim. 1:7) Be strong in Him, my friends, and He will carry you through!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Heading back to the Knox
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Leaving Michigan and on to Ohio
Visiting THe Frisbey homestead and Step Mama Behr
A Day with Friends
Checking Out Fremont and White Cloud
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Saying goodbye to the Great North
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Few Days In Petoskey
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The journey through Ohio
Friday, May 22, 2009
There and Back Again: A Behr's Tail
Saturday, May 16, 2009
One Year Down
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Bringing You Up To Speed
Since our last newsletter sent out as the Behr's Trails, a great deal has happened. I survived the first semester with a 3.419. For those of you who have known me over the years that is astronomical. I say it is the work of the Lord. Rachel has been doing pretty well with her job at the Counseling Center here on campus as the receptionist. We are very thankful that the Lord has provided for us in this area.
This semester has been far different than the first. The Lord has drawn us to get more involved in church after taking a short break from doing ministry last semester. We have gotten involved in the Prayer team at church. On certain Sundays, Rachel and I pray through an entire worship service, calling on the Holy Spirit to be present with our pastor, the praise band, and the people who are worshiping. This is a ministry that we feel is greatly needed. It sparked from a retreat we did back in January where we prayed over a teen event. We prayed with some of the Bands like Family Force 5 and with the people who were sharing the message. It was quite the experience. This has prompted us to bring this prayer ministry to our church along with a committed group of prayer warriors who are dedicated to lifting up everything to God in all situations. We have been met with a lot of opposition from the enemy as we have started this.
Rachel's stomach problems have increased. We think it is her gallbladder. Please be in prayer that the Lord will bring healing to her gallbladder. Pray also that the doctors will be able to figure out if that truly is the case so that we know how to treat it.
The Lord has also called to begin a prayer ministry right here on campus. We began the year with a prayer walk in January with the faculty, staff, and anybody who was willing to pray before the students returned from Christmas break.
We both believe that God has blessed these ministries. Please pray that God will continue to lead us in His path and that we will be willing to follow His leading no matter where it may be, and that He will protect us in our prayers.
Blessing to you all and may the Lord bless you and keep you in His care....
- Mark and Rachel
Just Getting Started
Back To School
![Back To School](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2ZVgImzDYTg/StxlGbGzsWI/AAAAAAAAAJw/k5E-aidG6lk/S220/Picture+009.jpg)
Ah yes, young minds are like wet sponges waiting to absorb all there is to be learned at this fine intstitute of Johnson Bible College.
On The Trail
Let's go hunt some wabbits
The Behr's In The Mountains
On Top of Old Smokies