The Lord never ceases to amaze me with His grandeur. I am in awe of how He works so intricately in our lives. Each new semester brings with it new and exciting adventure in the world of academia as well as our spiritual walk with Christ. It is not often that I take the time to simply write my thoughts as I used to but inspiration has hit and these fingers need to pour out my heart because this basin is full.
I will not waste time and thought complaining about the subjects that lack luster in my mind, so let me indulge you with that which is pouring inspiration into my mind. I have embarked this semester in studying the literature of the ancient world and so far it has drawn me into some of the writings of the eastern world religions. Reading excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata, pieces from Buddhist literature, some of the Tao Te Ching, and an excerpt from the Koran gave me a taste of where people of a different culture are coming from. I say a little as I have barely even set my toe on the tip of the iceberg with these religions. In my mind there seems to be a common theme in at least the first three religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism). There seems to be a constant desire to disconnect from reality. All of these different religious movements including Islam focus on a works based faith to either reach some form of salvation whether it be Nirvana, the Tao, or the Atman. There is something major that simply breaks my heart for people who follow the philosophies of these religions and that is the lack of relationship with their deities. It's fascinating really, that in order to make in these religions you must adhere to so many rules otherwise you simply do not make it. As I read their stories I felt such a sense of hopelessness for them. Now that is not to say that none of them have anything good to offer. On the contrary, many of the philosophical thoughts that these religions present are not that far off from my own Christian faith. There are many great thoughts of wisdom given on how to live a good life from each of them, it is just simply the means of reaching the peace and tranquility that they so long for that creates a gap between the followers and the deities, not to mention that these other deities do not lead one to paradise. This class has also blessed me with readings from the Iliad and other Greek poetry that just gets some of these creative juices flowing.
The other class that really has inspired me and even requires me to write my own verse once again is Old Testament Poetry. Wow what an amazing journey through the book of Job, Proverbs, Psalms,The Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. Looking deeper into the meaning of what the Jewish authors had to share just brings these Hebrew Scriptures to life.
IN grappling with reading the ancient writings God continues to mold and shape Rachel and I on a daily basis. Constantly we learn how to rely on God's grace and love in our life together and individually.
As a couple we constantly rely on God to provide for our needs financially at the same time exercising the desire to be good stewards of those finances when it comes to school and other opportunities that come our way. Keeping Christ at the center of our relationship continues to be the foundation and mortar that binds us together.
Individually I can only speak for myself. Food is constantly a spiritual battle for me everyday not simply to eat right, but more so to eat proportionately. Each day is a struggle in this area of my life to honor God with how and what I eat. Too often I allow food to become my idol. Nevertheless the Lord encourages and strengthens me in that struggle. Learning to allow God to lead every step that I take is not a lesson in futility, it is an exercise in eternity. What I mean by that is that no matter how much I may struggle in spiritual walk Christ is still every ounce of strength that I have and the more I embrace that fact the more He continues to draw me to Him. Today was an awesome example of that. I was working on some homework in my office this afternoon and felt this tugging on my heart. Not a physical tugging but this intangible feeling that I needed to just stop everything that I was doing and simply pray. Talk to God. I felt as though God was saying come on over, spend some time with me, I want to fill you up and encourage you. All of a sudden there was this unexplainable desire to be with the LORD and jump into His Word. For once I did not fight it, I just simply followed, obeyed, and truly had fellowship with Jesus.
My hope is for whoever reads this that Christ will begin to tug on each of your hearts and that you will find inspiration in God's Word in your lives. May Christ be your strength each and everyday.
" The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the LORD turn His face toward you
and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26